Camps. Castles. Carriages.

Camps. Castles. Carriages.

Mod and data pack

Add more medieval-fairy-tale style structures to your vanilla world!

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  • 优化性能 Optimized the performance
  • 修复猪灵游侠和骨髓爵士boss条无法消失的问题 Fixed that bossbars cannot disappear when bosses die
  • 将鼓楼遗迹的沙子改为沙砾,修复鼓楼考古战利品表为空的问题 Chagned the sands to gravels in the Ruined Drum Tower, and fixed the empty archaeology loot table
  • 提高了鼓楼的生成几率 Increased the genereating chance of Ruined Drum Tower
  • 修复猪灵游侠和骨髓爵士boss条无法消失的问题 Fixed that bossbars cannot disappear when bosses die
  • 改进了猪灵营地的生成 Improved Piglins' camps generating
  • 添加了新的城堡结构:鼓楼遗迹(感谢金猪大师提供的屋顶原型!) Added a new castle structure: Ruined Drum Tower.(Thank @Golden Pig Master for the roof!)
  • 添加了新的马车结构:关押着铁傀儡的掠夺者囚车 Added a new Carriage structure: Pillagers' Prison Van
  • 添加了新的随机事件:被掠夺者巡逻小队追杀的村民 Added a new random event: Pillager Patrol Chasing after Villager
  • 为猪灵游侠添加了新的掉落物:大量火药和烟花 Added a new loot table for the Pigranger: A lot of firework and gunpowder
  • 调整了猪灵游侠的生成 Improved Pigranger's spawning
  • 为“丢失的羊驼”添加了常显名称 Added a alway-displayed custom name of the lost llama
  • 优化了性能 Optimized the performance
  • 加入了新的小敌魁:红猪游侠 Added a new mini boss"Pig Ranger"
  • 优化数据包子程序结构 Improved the structures of th functions for the best performance
  • 清除亡灵城堡生成时的蝙蝠以优化性能 Removed all the bats inside the Undead Castle when generated the structure, in order to improve the performance
  • 禁止营地的生物会被刷新掉 Now mobs in the camps will not despawn naturally
  • 将骨髓爵士的生命值增加至150 Increased Ser Marrow's health to 150
  • 为骨髓爵士的坐骑“骨髓战马”添加抗火效果 Added fire resistance buff to Marrow Steed, the skeleton combat horse that Ser Marrow rides
  • 在骨髓战马的眼窝处添加火焰粒子 Added fire particle in Marrow Steed's orbits
  • 在亡灵城堡添加了新的敌魁“骨髓爵士” Added a new mini boss "Ser Marrow" in the Undead Castle
  • 改进亡灵城堡 Improved the Undead Castle
  • 修复商人任务刷屏的问题 Fixed the issue that trader who lost the llama keep spaming
  • 修复所有结构确实栏杆的问题 Fixed the issue that all fences are missing in all structures
  • 改进亡灵城堡和红顶城堡 Improved the Undead Castle and the Red Roof
  • 改进商人的帐篷,使其更有辨识度 Improved trader's camp, made it more recognizable
  • 添加了一座新的城堡——红顶城堡 Added a new castle——The Red Roof.
  • 重新设计了商人营地 Redesigned Trader'camp
  • 添加了一种随机事件/任务:寻找走丢的行商羊驼 Added a random event/task: Find the Lost Llama
  • 修复亡灵城堡门塔缺角的问题 Fixed the issue that a tower of the Undead castle misses some piece
  • 更换了全新的封面Switched the cover

  • 用原创的新城堡替换了之前的亡灵小城堡 Switch the undead castle with a new one made by myself

  • 添加了掠夺者营地、猪灵营地Added pillager camp and piglin camp(in the Nether)

  • 添加了女巫篷车 Added witch's wagon

  • 扩建了商人营地,现在营地里会有两只羊驼 Expanded trader's camp, now there arer two llamas

  • 为商人营地添加了变种——“幻术师陷阱”,幻术师会伪装成商人,等待玩家靠近 Added a variant of trader camp----"Illusioner's trap", where illusioner will disguise as a trader and wait for players to come by.

  • 从1.1开始,不再需要《更多楼梯》模组作为前置 From 1.1 on, Mod More Slabs Stairs & Walls is not required anymore.

This mod requires More Slabs Stairs & Walls

Credit to Bolvian for the permission to use the building Small Medieval Castle Build!

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Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated 5 months ago