


Library mod for Blossom-series Fabric mods

Server LibraryUtility

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BlossomLib is a Minecraft Fabric library mod build for the Blossom-series mods.

Table of contents



This library's config file can be found at config/BlossomMods/BlossomLib.json, after running the server with the mod at least once.

logging: LoggingConfig - settings to do with BlossomMods logging
baseTeleportation: TeleportationConfig - default teleportation settings
colors: Colors - text colors
dimNameOverrides: Map<String, String> - a map of dimension name overrides, for example set to { "minecraft:the_nether": "The Underworld" } to display The Nether as The Underworld
enableMC124177Fix: boolean - Enable a fix for MC-124177 / CrossDimTPFix


consoleLogLevel: String (OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL) - BlossomMods logging level for the console output
fileLogLevel: String (OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE, ALL) - BlossomMods logging level for the file output
fileLogPath: String - where to put the BlossomMods log file
fileLogAppend: boolean - whether to keep the old BlossomMods logs on server startup
disableCustomLogger: boolean - whether to completely bypass the custom logger in case of a mod incompatibility


bossBar: BossBar - settings altering the boss bar
titleMessage: TitleMessage - settings altering the title message
actionBarMessageEnabled: boolean - whether to show a message in the action bar when counting down
fovEffectBefore: CubicBezierCurve - FOV animation before the teleportation
fovEffectAfter: CubicBezierCurve - FOV animation after the teleportation
cancelOnMove: boolean - whether to cancel the countdown if the player moves
particleAnimation: ParticleAnimation - which particle animation to use


enabled: boolean - whether the boss bar is enabled
color: String (pink, blue, red, green, yellow, purple, white) - the color of the boss bar
textColor: String (valid text color) - the color of the boss bar name


titleCounting: TitleConfig* - settings altering the display of the counting Title
subtitleCounting: TitleConfig* - settings altering the display of the counting Subtitle
titleDone: TitleConfig - settings altering the display of the done Title
subitleDone: TitleConfig - settings altering the display of the done Subtitle


color: String (valid text color) - color of the title / subtitle
modifiers: String - characters b - bold, i - italics, u - underline, o - obfuscated, s - strikethrough, can appear in any order
*counterColor: String (valid text color) - color of the counter in the title / subtitle


Cubic bezier curve generator

enabled: boolean - whether to even play the animation at all
values: float[4] - 4 values defining the cubic-bezier curve; 1st & 3rd values must be between 1 and 0, weird things will happen if they're not!
start: float - beginning value
end: float - final value
stepCount: int - how many steps the animation should generate


These colors will be only applied to Blossom mods chat responses

base: String - the text color in which most text responses will be
warn: String - the text color in which warning messages will be
error: String - the text color in which error messages will be
success: String - the text color in which success messages will be
variable: String - the text color in which variables will be
player: String - the text color in which player names will be
command: String - the text color in which commands will be
commandDescription: String - the text color in which command descriptions will be

Commands & their permissions

  • /tpcancel - cancel any ongoing teleport / countdown
    Permission: blossom.tpcancel (default: true)
  • /blossomlib - library specific commands
    Permission: blossom.lib.base-command (default: OP level 2)
    • reload-config - reload and apply config from the config file
      Permission blossom.lib.base-command.reload-config (default: OP level 3)
    • clear-countdowns [<player>] - clear all or specific players countdowns
      Permission blossom.lib.base-command.clear.countdowns (default: OP level 2)
    • clear-cooldowns [<player>] [<type>] - clear all or specific players specific type cooldowns
      Permission blossom.lib.base-command.clear.cooldowns (default: OP level 2)
    • debug - debug commands
      Permission blossom.lib.base-command.debug (default: OP level 4)
      • countdown <standStill> - create an arbitrary countdown
      • teleport <standStill> [<cooldown>] <pos> <rot> - create an arbitrary teleport
      • fov <multiplier> - set player FOV

Translation keys

only keys with available arguments are shown, for full list, please see src/main/resources/data/blossom/lang/en_us.json

  • 1 argument - seconds remaining
  • blossom.countdown.action_bar.counting: 1 argument - seconds remaining
  • blossom.countdown.title.counting.title: 1 argument - seconds remaining
  • blossom.countdown.title.counting.subtitle: 1 argument - seconds remaining
  • 1 argument - player whose countdown was cleared
  • 1 argument - player whose cooldown was cleared
  • blossom.clear-cooldowns.type: 2 arguments - player whose cooldown was cleared, type of cleared cooldown
  • blossom.debug.countdown.start: 1 argument - standstill time
  • 1 argument - standstill time
  • blossom.debug.teleport.cooldown: 2 arguments - standstill time, cooldown time
  • blossom.config-reload: 1 argument - module name
  • blossom.text.command.display: 1 argument - display text
  • blossom.text.command.plain: 1 argument - display text/command run
  • blossom.text.command.description: 2 arguments - display text/command run, description

zh_cn (Chinese, Simplified), zh_tw (Chinese, Traditional) - added by @BackWheel

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Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 6 hours ago