


Completely Customize the way others see you play in Discord!

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Completely customize the way others see you play Minecraft via Discord's Rich Presence API & the DiscordIPC API by jagrosh!

License: MIT Crowdin Codacy Badge Pipeline Status

CurseForge-Downloads CurseForge-Availability

Modrinth-Downloads Modrinth-Availability

General Notes

  • Beginning in v2.5.0, UniLib is now a required dependency
    • UniLib is a new library mod I have created to abstract common API functions for more general use cases as well as future projects
    • The mod can be downloaded here
    • This mod will crash if UniLib is not found or if using an incompatible version
  • This mod identifies as a Client Side-only mod
    • This means it will not run on the Server's side.
    • Fabric and Quilt mod loaders will simply ignore the mod, while other mod loaders may crash.
  • Some versions of the mod for Minecraft 1.14.x and above require the Fabric API and the Fabric mod loader
  • Some versions of the mod for Minecraft 1.13.x require the Rift API and the Rift mod loader
  • Some versions of the mod for Minecraft 1.1.0 and below require Risugami's ModLoader


In addition to having the ability to change your discord status from "Playing Minecraft", This mod offers plenty of customization options to specify entirely how others see you play. From having your current biome show up, to which dimension your in, as well as which server you're in, and more. The customization possibilities are limitless, with the only real limit being how creative you customize your display.

Launcher and Pack Integration Support

CraftPresence will detect whether your Launch Directory contains:

  • A ATLauncher Instance (instance.json)
  • A valid Twitch/Overwolf/Curse/GDLauncher Manifest (manifest.json, minecraftinstance.json)
  • A MCUpdater Instance (instance.json)
  • A Modrinth Instance (profile.json)
  • A MultiMC Instance (instance.cfg)
  • A Technic installedPacks File (installedPacks)

If using any of these launchers, note the following:

  • Prior to v1.6.0, it'll put the packs name in your display as well as show its icon (when not in a server)
  • From v1.6.0 until v2.0.0, it'll instead parse the Pack's name into the &PACK& placeholder, that you can configure for usage in the RPC
  • In v2.0, the pack's info is instead parsed into the and pack.icon placeholders, that you can configure for usage in the RPC

As an example, this is how the mod will convert a pack's name to an iconKey:

Example: All the Mods 7 would parse as allthemods7

Note: MultiMC natively has an Icon Key Property that is used instead of converting from the Pack's Display Name


CraftPresence currently offers the following Commands:

Keep in mind the following:

  • Commands must be prefixed by either /craftpresence or /cp
  • In v1.5.0 and above, these commands are only usable via the Commands Gui, found within the Config Gui

  • /cp compile "[expr]" - Test the output of a placeholder expression, via Starscript
  • /cp search (type:typeName, [searchTerm], all) - Search for valid placeholders available to use with Rich Presence
  • /cp reload - Reloads mod data
  • /cp request - View Join Request Info
  • /cp export - View export commands for mod data
  • /cp view - Help command to display the commands available to view and control a variety of display data
    • /cp view placeholders - Displays all available placeholders for use in the RPC
    • /cp view currentData - Displays your Current RPC Data, in text form
    • /cp view assets (custom | all) - Displays all asset icon keys available to you
    • /cp view dimensions - Displays all Dimension Names available for use, requires Show Current Dimension to be enabled
    • /cp view biomes - Displays all Biome Names available for use, requires Show Current Biome to be enabled
    • /cp view servers - Displays all Server Addresses available for use, requires Show Game State to be enabled
    • /cp view screens - Displays all Gui Names available for use, if Per-Gui is enabled
    • /cp view items - Displays all Item Names available for use, if Per-Item is enabled
    • /cp view entities - Displays all Entity Names available for use, if Per-Entity is enabled
  • /cp reboot - Reboots the RPC
  • /cp shutdown - Shutdown the RPC (Can be turned on from /cp reboot)
  • /cp (help | ?) - Help Command to display the above commands and these explanations


CraftPresence currently contains the following KeyBinds:


  • In v1.5.5 up to v1.8.0, KeyBinds are now customized in the Accessibility Settings in the Config Gui, and not the normal controls menu
  • In v1.8.0 and above, KeyBinds can now be customized in either the dedicated menu in the Config Gui or the normal control menu on applicable versions

  • Open Config Gui - KeyBind to open the CraftPresence Config Gui (Default: GRAVE/TILDE Key)

About Placeholders and Functions

In some configuration areas, CraftPresence provides some placeholders and functions to make things easier:

Keep in mind the following:

  • In v2.0.0, placeholders have been rewritten to be compatible with Starscript
    • The older list of this section can be viewed here
    • All Placeholders, functions, and code expressions must be surrounded with curly brackets (Example: {})
    • In the event that you need to combine a placeholder with other data in a function argument, use the getResult function
    • Additional functions and standard variables are available within StandardLib

Placeholder List

The following placeholders are available for use anywhere in CraftPresence:

  • General Placeholders:
    • general.brand - The Minecraft branding label
    • general.icon - The default display icon
    • general.mods - The amount of mods currently in your mods folder
    • general.title - The Minecraft title label
    • general.version - The Minecraft version label
    • general.protocol - The Minecraft version protocol label
  • Menu Event Placeholders (Loading and Main Menu):
    • menu.message - The main menu's display data, while applicable
    • menu.icon - The main menu's display icon, while applicable
  • Pack Placeholders:
    • - The currently detected pack's name
    • pack.icon - The currently detected pack's icon
    • pack.type - The currently detected pack's type
  • Player Placeholders:
    • - Your username
    • player.uuid.short - Your UUID (Trimmed Format)
    • player.uuid.full - Your UUID (Full Format, if valid UUID)
    • player.icon - Your player head icon, while applicable
    • player.position.x - Your current in-game X position
    • player.position.y - Your current in-game Y position
    • player.position.z - Your current in-game Z position
    • - Your current in-game health
    • - Your current in-game maximum health
  • Gui Placeholders:
    • screen.message - The current Gui Screen's display data, while applicable
    • - The current Gui Screen name
    • screen.icon - The current Gui Screen icon
    • screen.default.icon - The default Gui Screen icon
  • Biome Placeholders:
    • biome.message - The current biome's display data, while in-game
    • - The current biome name
    • biome.identifier - The current biome identifier
    • biome.icon - The current biome icon
    • biome.default.icon - The default biome icon
  • Dimension Placeholders:
    • dimension.message - The current dimension's display data, while in-game
    • - The current dimension name
    • dimension.identifier - The current dimension identifier
    • dimension.icon - The current dimension icon
    • dimension.default.icon - The default dimension icon
  • Entity Placeholders:
    • entity.default.icon - The default entity icon
    • - The currently targeted entity's display data, while applicable
    • - The currently targeted entity's name
    • - The currently targeted entity's icon
    • entity.riding.message - The currently riding entity's display data, while applicable
    • - The currently riding entity's name
    • entity.riding.icon - The currently riding entity's icon
  • World Placeholders:
    • world.difficulty - The current world's difficulty
    • - The current world's weather name
    • - The name of the current world
    • world.time.format_24 - The current world's in-game time (24-hour format)
    • world.time.format_12 - The current world's in-game time (12-hour format)
    • - The current world's in-game day count
  • Server Placeholders:
    • server.message - The current server's display data, while in-game
    • server.icon - The current server icon
    • server.default.icon - The default server icon
    • server.players.current - The server's current player count
    • server.players.max - The server's maximum player count
    • server.address.full - (MP) The raw current server address
    • server.address.short - (MP) The formatted current server address
    • - (MP) The current server name
    • server.motd.raw - (MP) The current raw server motd
    • server.minigame - (Realm) The current realm minigame name
  • Item Placeholders:
    • item.message.default - The default item display data, while applicable
    • item.message.holding - The held item(s) display data, while applicable
    • item.message.equipped - The equipped item(s) display data, while applicable
    • item.[slotId].name - Current slotId item name
    • item.[slotId].message - Current slotId item message
  • Integration - Replay Mod:
    • replaymod.time.current - When in the Video Renderer, retrieves the renderTimeTaken field
    • replaymod.time.remaining - When in the Video Renderer, retrieves the renderTimeLeft field
  • Extra Placeholders (Advanced Usage):
    • _general.instance - The Minecraft Instance
    • _general.player - The Minecraft Player Instance
    • - The Minecraft World Instance
    • _config.instance - The Mod Config Instance
    • _[moduleName].instance - An instance of one of the modules CraftPresence has
      • Module Order: biome, dimension, entity, item, screen, server, <...>
    • data.biome.instance - An instance of the player's current biome
    • data.biome.class - The class object for the player's current biome
    • data.dimension.instance - An instance of the player's current dimension
    • data.dimension.class - The class object for the player's current dimension
    • - An instance of the currently targeted entity
    • - The class object for the currently targeted entity
    • data.entity.riding.instance - An instance of the currently riding entity
    • data.entity.riding.class - The class object for the currently riding entity
    • data.item.[slotId].instance - An instance of the current slotId
    • data.item.[slotId].class - The class object for the current slotId
    • data.screen.instance - An instance of the current Gui Screen
    • data.server.motd.line_[number] - Retrieves a specific line of server.motd.raw
    • data.[moduleName].time - The timestamp at which a module has changed its primary state
      • Use data.general.time for the current RPC Starting Timestamp

Function List

The following functions are available for use anywhere in CraftPresence:

  • asIcon(input, whitespaceIndex ?: '') - Converts a String into a Valid and Acceptable Icon Format
  • asIdentifier(target, formatToId ?: false, avoid ?: false) - Converts an Identifier into a properly formatted and interpretable Name
  • asProperWord(input, avoid ?: false, skipSymbolReplacement ?: false, caseCheckTimes ?: -1) - Converts input into a Properly Readable String
  • capitalizeWords(input, timesToCheck ?: -1) - Capitalizes the words within a specified string
  • clampDouble(num, min, max) - Clamps the Specified Number between a minimum and maximum limit
  • clampFloat(num, min, max) - Clamps the Specified Number between a minimum and maximum limit
  • clampInt(num, min, max) - Clamps the Specified Number between a minimum and maximum limit
  • clampLong(num, min, max) - Clamps the Specified Number between a minimum and maximum limit
  • convertTime(input, originalPattern, newPattern) - Convert the specified string into the specified date format, if able
  • convertTimeFormat(dateString, fromFormat, toFormat) - Convert a Date String from one format to another format
  • convertTimeZone(dateString, fromFormat, fromTimeZone, toTimeZone) - Convert a Date String from one timezone to another timezone
  • dateToEpochMilli(dateString, format, timeZone ?: null) - Convert Date String to Epoch Timestamp in milliseconds
  • dateToEpochSecond(dateString, format, timeZone ?: null) - Convert Date String to Epoch Timestamp in seconds
  • epochMilliToDate(epochMilli, format, timeZone ?: null) - Convert Epoch Timestamp to Date String in the given format and timezone
  • epochSecondToDate(epochSecond, format, timeZone ?: null) - Convert Epoch Timestamp to Date String in the given format and timezone
  • executeMethod(classToAccess=Object|String|Class, instance=Object, methodName=String, <parameterType, parameter>...) - Invokes the specified Method in the Target Class via Reflection
  • format(input=String, args=Object...) - Returns a formatted string using the specified format string and arguments
  • formatAddress(input, returnPort ?: false) - Formats an IP Address based on Input
  • getArrayElement(content=Array, index) - Retrieves the array element from the specified content, or null if unable
  • getAsset(input) - Retrieves the Specified DiscordAsset data from an Icon Key, if present
  • getAssetId(input) - Retrieves the Parsed Icon ID from the specified key, if present
  • getAssetKey(input) - Retrieves the Parsed Icon Key from the specified key, if present
  • getAssetType(input) - Retrieves the Parsed Image Type from the specified key, if present
  • getAssetUrl(input) - Retrieves the Parsed Image Url from the specified key, if present
  • getClass(reference=Object|String) - Attempt to retrieve a class object, via the string path or object reference
  • getComponent(data=DataComponentHolder, path=String) - (MC 1.20.5+) Attempt to retrieve the Component Data with the specified path
  • getCurrentTime() - Retrieve the current time, as an Instant
  • getElapsedMillis() - Retrieve the elapsed time, in milliseconds
  • getElapsedNanos() - Retrieve the elapsed time, in nanoseconds
  • getElapsedSeconds() - Retrieve the elapsed time, in seconds
  • getField(classToAccess=Object|String|Class, instance=Object, fieldName=String...) - Retrieves the Specified Field(s) via Reflection
  • getFields(classObj=Object|String|Class) - Retrieve the available field names for a class object
  • getFirst(args) - Retrieve the first non-null string from the specified arguments, or return null
  • getJsonElement(url|jsonString, path=Object...) - Retrieves the json element from the specified content, or null if unable
  • getMethods(classObj=Object|String|Class) - Retrieve the available method names for a class object
  • getNamespace(input) - Retrieve the namespace portion of an Identifier-Style Object
  • getNbt(data=Entity|ItemStack, path=String...) - Attempt to retrieve the NBT Tag with the specified path
  • getOrDefault(target, alternative ?: '') - Retrieve the primary value if non-empty; Otherwise, use the secondary value
  • getPath(input) - Retrieve the path portion of an Identifier-Style Object
  • getResult(input) - Perform recursive conversion on the specified input
  • hasField(classObj=Object|String|Class, fieldName) - Retrieves whether the specified class contains the specified field name
  • isColor(input) - Determines whether an inputted String classifies as a valid Color Code
  • isCustomAsset(input) - Determines if the Specified Icon Key is present under the Custom Assets List
  • isUuid(input) - Checks via Regex whether the specified String classifies as a valid Uuid
  • isValidAsset(input) - Determines if the Specified Icon Key is present under the Current Client ID
  • isValidId(input) - Determines if the specified Client ID is valid
  • isWithinValue(value, min, max, contains_min ?: false, contains_max ?: false, check_sanity ?: true) - Determines whether the specified value is within the specified range
  • length(input) - Returns the length of the specified string
  • lerpDouble(num, min, max) - Linearly Interpolate between the specified values
  • lerpFloat(num, min, max) - Linearly Interpolate between the specified values
  • mcTranslate(input=String, args=Object...) - Translates an Unlocalized String, based on the game translations retrieved for the current language
  • minify(input, length) - Reduces the Length of a String to the Specified Length
  • nullOrEmpty(input, allowWhitespace ?: false) - Determines whether a String classifies as NULL or EMPTY
  • randomAsset() - Attempts to retrieve a Random Icon Key from the available assets
  • randomString(args) - Retrieves a random element from the specified arguments, as a string
  • removeRepeatWords(input) - Removes Duplicated Words within an inputted String
  • roundDouble(num, places ?: 0) - Rounds a Double to the defined decimal place, if possible
  • snapToStep(num, valueStep) - Rounds the Specified Value to the nearest value, using the Step Rate Value
  • split(input, regex, limit ?: 0) - Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression
  • stripAllFormatting(input) - Strips Color and Formatting Codes from the inputted String
  • stripColors(input) - Strips Color Codes from the inputted String
  • stripFormatting(input) - Strips Formatting Codes from the inputted String
  • timeFromEpochMilli(epochMilli) - Retrieve a Time Instant from the specified epoch time
  • timeFromEpochSecond(epochSecond) - Retrieve a Time Instant from the specified epoch time
  • timeFromString(dateString, fromFormat, fromTimeZone ?: null) - Format a Date String from one timezone and format into a valid Instant instance
  • timeToEpochMilli(data) - Gets the number of milliseconds from the Java Epoch, derived from specified args
  • timeToEpochSecond(data) - Gets the number of seconds from the Java Epoch, derived from specified args
  • timeToString(date, toFormat, toTimeZone ?: null) - Format a Date String using the specified timezone and format.
  • toCamelCase(input) - Converts a String into a Valid and Acceptable Camel-Case Format
  • translate(input=String, args=Object...) - Translates an Unlocalized String, based on the mod translations retrieved for the current language

Disclaimers & Additional Info

Minecraft Issues + Additional Build Info

Despite best efforts, issues can occur due to the state of the Minecraft Codebase.

These issues can hinder certain portions of the backend in addition to cause certain parts of the mod to not work.

With this in mind, please note the following:

  • Minecraft 1.16 and above
    • As more parts of the game become data-driven, some modded data is no longer able to be automatically retrieved without first being in the world.
    • So far, Biome and Dimension Modules are effected by this change and only display default data, with extra data needing to be discovered first.
  • Minecraft 1.15 and below
    • MC-112292: When interacting with the RenderUtils#drawItemStack method, used in the v2 Item Renderer, blocks using certain renderers may fail to display properly.
    • Additionally, on 1.15.x exclusively, z-level issues may occur on Screens using this method
  • Minecraft a1.1.2_01 and below
    • On these versions, the Biome and Dimension Modules are stubbed with default data, due to the logic for these methods being missing (Having been initially implemented in Alpha 1.2.6)
  • Miscellaneous Issues
    • Due to obfuscation issues in earlier versions of Minecraft, incorrect data may appear when using certain parts of the mod.
      • In this case, the Biome and Dimension Modules may fail to auto-detect some necessary information
      • As a fallback, the mod is also designed to add selectable Module Data when said biome/dimension is first discovered.
      • The "Add New" option found in some of the module lists can also be used to work around this issue.

Additionally, some settings or API calls may perform differently under certain MC versions.

Icon Requesting

Not seeing an Icon you like or have a suggestion for an Icon to add/modify on the default Client ID?

If so, you can make a request on my Issue Tracker, with the following requirements:

  • If adding an Icon from a dimension, specify the Mod's link that the dimension derives from
    • This is because specific Icon IDs must be used, which can be found by the mod or from checking your Logs/Chat after entering the dimension as CraftPresence will tell you the ID expected
  • An Icon of size between 512x512 and 1024x1024 to be used (Either minimum or recommended size for best quality)
    • Icons between these sizes can be used, but may not give a great final quality
  • If requesting an icon to be modified or removed from the Default Client ID, please specify a reason why
    • Mostly just so it can be logged why it was changed for future reference

Additionally, you can also create your own Set of Icons by following this guide


Need some assistance with one of my mods or wish to provide feedback?

I can be contacted via the following methods:

Additionally, codebase documentation for this mod is available here with further guides available on the wiki


This Mod is under the MIT License as well as the Apache 2.0 License

This project currently makes usage of the following dependencies internally:

Discord Terms of Service

As with other RPC Mods, this Mod uses your in-game data to send display information to a 3rd party service (In this Case, Discord).

The terms of service relating to Creating a Discord ID for icons can be found here

The terms of service for using Discord as a service can additionally be located here

Project members




Licensed MIT
Created 2 years ago
Updated 2 days ago