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  • Genes are now data-driven! They're in /data/_____/geneticsresequenced/gene/
  • They follow the following structure, all fields are optional:
    • dna_points_required: The amount of DNA Points required to complete a Plasmid. Defaults to 0
    • negative: If the Gene is negative. Defaults to false
    • mutation: If the Gene is a mutation. Defaults to false
    • hidden: If the Gene is hidden, only used by default by the Basic Gene. Defaults to false
    • allowed_entities: A filter of entity types that the Gene can be injected into
      • Defaults to {"type": "neoforge:any"}.
      • Can also accept a single entity type ("minecraft:player") or a list of entity types (["minecraft:cow","minecraft:chicken"])
    • potion_details: An object with the following fields, for a potion effect that's granted at all times:
      • effect: The effect to apply
      • level: The level of the effect (optional, defaults to 1)
      • duration: The duration of the effect (optional, defaults to -1, infinite)
      • showIcon: If the effect icon should be shown (optional, defaults to false)
    • attribute_modifiers: A list of objects with the following fields, for attribute modifiers that are granted at all times:
      • attribute: The attribute to modify
      • id: A Resource Location ID for the modifier
      • operation: The operation to apply to the attribute ("add_value", "add_multiplied_base", or "add_multiplied_total")
      • amount: The amount to modify the attribute by
    • requires_genes: A list of Resource Location IDs for Genes that are required to have this Gene
    • scares_entities_with_tag: An entity type tag that the Gene will scare
  • Incubator recipes are no longer actually Brewing recipes, and can therefore no longer be used in a Brewing Stand
    • Consequently, you can now make custom recipes that use the Incubator! See /data/geneticsresequeced/recipe/incubator/
    • There are 3 types (technically 5, but 2 of them are hardcoded with no parameters):
      • geneticsresequenced:incubator_basic
        • Requires two ingredients top_slot and bottom_slot, and an output itemstack output
        • Optionally can have is_low_temperature, which makes it require low temperature. Defaults to false, making it require high temperature
      • geneticsresequenced:incubator_gmo
        • Requires entity_type that the Cell Growth or Mutation Potion must be set to
        • Requires ingredient for the item in the top slot
        • Requires ideal_gene for the Gene that a successful Cell will have
        • Optionally can have gene_chance, which is a number 0-1 for the chance of getting the Gene (giving Basic if it fails). Defaults to 1.
        • Optionally can have needs_mutation_potion which makes it require a Potion of Mutation instead of a Potion of Cell Growth. Defaults to false.
      • geneticsresequenced:incubator_virus
        • Takes in an input Gene and an output Gene, and makes a recipe that converts when crafted with Viral Agents
  • Disabling Genes now uses the Gene tag #geneticsresequenced:disabled
  • Genes requiring other Genes is now handled in the Gene's definition json, rather than a file in /gene_requirements/
  • Changed some default Gene requirements:
    • Flight no longer requires Jump Boost, but now requires Step Assist
    • Photosynthesis now requires Eat Grass
    • Scare Spiders and Scare Zombies are no longer Mutation genes, and don't require Scare Creepers or Scare Skeletons
  • Added the following entity types to geneticsresequenced:allows_preventing_interaction: Horse, Donkey, Mule, Llama, Trader Llama

Additions / Changes

  • Added Reaching Gene, which allows you to reach 1.25 times further
  • Support Slime Spawn Eggs have been added to the Spawn Eggs creative tab
  • Removed the potion outlines from the Incubator background slots
  • The Plasmid Injector EMI recipe page now says in the tooltip that you can have multiple Genes/Antigenes in the same Syringe
  • Updated Incubator EMI recipe pages


  • Fixed an issue where the Photosynthesis Gene would stop working when enabled instead of when not enabled
  • Fixed an issue in the coloring of Anti-Plasmid tooltips
  • Fixed an issue where Genes that require 1 DNA Point would show as requiring 0 DNA Helices instead of 1 in EMI
  • Removed a rather large unused texture that was taking up space


  • Updated to Minecraft 1.21.1
  • Updated to NeoForge 21.1.42
  • Added a recipe for the Metal Syringe
  • Moved most recipes to use item tags where possible
  • Made it so you can use the Metal Syringe and Scraper on Villagers without opening their menu (if the item is #geneticsresequenced:prevents_some_mob_interaction and the entity type is #geneticsresequenced:allows_preventing_interaction)
  • Fixed the Metal Syringe telling you that the wrong Genes can't be injected into mobs (it was displaying negative genes, rather than filtering against Gene.canMobsHave)
  • Fixed decrypted DNA Helices being able to be put through the DNA Decryptor
  • Added the failed Basic Gene GM Cells to EMI's GMO Cell Incubating recipe page


  • Added a recipe for the Modonomicon book
  • Added a recipe for the Patchouli book


  • Support for Modonomicon!
  • You can now dupe Genetically Modified Cells using Organic Substrate
  • Fixed Genetically Modified Cells not having EMI recipe pages for turning into DNA Helices (#23)
  • GMO Recipes will have their logic printed in the tooltip of the Potion of Cell Growth in the Advanced Incubator
  • The Scare Genes can now be given to entities
  • The Scare Genes now apply based on an entity's tags (#geneticsresequenced:avoids_scare_creeper_gene etc) rather than based on their class (is or extends Creeper etc)
  • Reimplemented Curios support for the Keep Inventory gene (#20)
  • If the items given by the Keep Inventory Gene don't fit in your inventory, they're dropped at your feet instead of being tossed from your camera
  • Updated Patchouli support to use item components rather than NBT
  • Updated the Patchouli book to reflect changes since 1.19
  • The Patchouli book is now in the creative tab
  • Fixed the Blood Purifier page in the Patchouli book having the Plasmid Injector instead


  • Update to NeoForge 21.1.4
  • Fixed the Scraper not working on the Ender Dragon (#15)
  • Made it so that removing Overclockers from the Advanced Incubator will reset its progress
  • Fixed the Incubator not being able to output
  • Fixed the Plasmid Infuser giving +1 DNA Point for Helices of the same Gene rather than +2 (#18)
  • Fixed the Advanced Incubator ignoring Chorus Fruit (#17)
  • In the Plasmid Infuser, the initial DNA Helix infused into an empty Plasmid does not give it any DNA Points, previously it gave +1
  • The GMO chance increase/decrease per Overclocker and Chorus Fruit is now configurable
  • Massively improved the code for most Screens, moving a lot of things to Widgets rather than reimplementing them every Screen
  • All machine menu progress arrows now show the percentage completion in the tooltip
  • Fixed Scrapers being unable to be enchanted (#16)


  • Fixed the Potion of Cell Growth recipe setting the entity when it shouldn't (#14)
  • Support Slimes now have a 100% chance to give the Slimy Death Gene. The file previously pointed at the entity minecraft:slime rather than geneticsresequenced:support_slime
  • Localized tags for EMI
  • Removed the reference to the Patchouli book from the first advancement, as Patchouli isn't on 1.21 yet
  • Moved to better practices (using less lazy values, mostly)


  • Blocks are no longer instamine
  • Blocks now require an Iron Pickaxe to mine
  • Fixed chat spam from Lay Egg Gene, possibly others


  • Updated NeoForge to 21.0.87-beta
  • Updated Kotlin for Forge to 5.4.0
  • Fixed error spam on server close


  • Added loot tables for all the blocks, now they should actually drop themselves!
  • Updated to NeoForge 21.0.53-beta
  • Added EMI support
  • Added 4 new Genes: Infested, Oozing, Weaving, and Wind Charged
  • Fixed a recipe conflict between Panacea and Zombify Villager potions, Panacea now requires a Regeneration Helix rather than Emerald Heart
  • Sorted Genes in several places (Sorted firstly by regular/mutation/negative, then by id)
  • Fixed a typo in a tooltip
  • Forgot the missing : in several places in the mod name
  • Changed Virus damage source id from virus to geneticsresequenced:virus
  • Mob Sight's Glowing effect now has a duration maxOf(ServerConfig.mobSightCooldown.get() * 4, 20 * 30), as opposed to just 4 times the cooldown (fixes #8)
  • Updated to 1.21
  • Genes are now an actual Registry
  • Fixed Incubator and Advanced Incubator from not working (hasRecipe() returned false when hasEnoughEnergy was true rather than when false)
  • Fixed the Black Death recipe being broken
  • Item Magnet will show in the tooltip that an item is blacklisted (configurable)
  • Properly sync the player's Genes on client and server on login
  • Allowed the Gene Add/Remove commands to use the gene name string instead of the id Resource Location
  • The Keep Inventory Gene now uses Data Attachment, which means it persists across server stops
  • Efficiency Attribute now uses modifiers instead of modifying the attribute base value. No idea why I was doing that originally, that's awful.
  • The Flight gene now is an Attribute, rather than changing the player's ability to fly. Fixes #10
  • Wall Climbing is no longer an Attribute (Why was it? What was I thinking?)
  • The non-empty DNA Helices and Plasmids in the creative mode tab are now after everything else
  • Attribute Modifiers given by Genes are now kept on respawn
  • Changed the machines' energy texture to one made by TJKraft
  • Support Slime now only checks if it should despawn once every 40 ticks rather than every tick, which should improve performance.
  • Emerald Heart chat function only worked if Emerald Heart was DISABLED, instead of ENABLED. Fixed that.
  • Improved command response messages, for example "Added Claws to Dev" instead of "Added Claws to 1 entities".
  • Item Magnet now has a delay against picking up items dropped by you
  • Increased the amount of Support Slimes spawned from 1-4 to 3-6
  • Poison Proof Gene now uses the new NeoForge Poison damage, rather than checking for magic damage while you have poison effect
  • Renamed The Cure to Panacea
  • The Coal Generator now allows extracting items from any side (in case of fuels like Lava Buckets, which leave an empty Bucket behind)
  • Machines now keep their progress if they run out of power
  • MobGeneRegistry and GeneRequirementRegistry loggers are now debug instead of info
  • The bubbles in the Incubator and Advanced Incubator now animate slower
  • Fixed broken tooltip for Basic Genes in the Plasmid Infuser
  • Changed Plasmid tooltip text color to Gray
  • Added a recipe for unsetting Anti-Plasmids, if for whatever reason you want to
  • Plasmids and Anti-Plasmids now only stack to 1
  • Stepping on a contaminated Syringe will now give you poison
  • Changed the background texture for the advancements
  • Dragon's Breath cooldown now is actually for Dragon's Breath, and not for Shoot Fireballs
  • Claws inflicts Bleeding for 5 seconds rather than 300
  • Fixed the duplicate message send when you get a Gene that you're missing the required Genes for
  • Players with Meaty can now shear themselves while sneaking
  • Knockback Gene strength is no longer configurable
  • When you have Max Health 1 or 2, you'll respawn with completely full health rather than just the vanilla 10 hearts
  • Lowered default cooldown for Dragon's Breath from 15 seconds to 5
  • Improved messages for Genes on cooldown
  • Scare Genes now have a longer distance, and scared mobs run away with more speed

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Licensed MIT
Published 4 months ago
Updated a month ago