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This alpha fixes compatibility with rrls, adds a new cps overlay, smooth zoom speed, and hold perspective distance options.


  • Updated Config Version to 22.


  • Added Positional Data Obfuscation.
    • Other mods can tell Perspective to obfuscate co-ords (in the Position Overlay, and the Death Screen Co-Ordinates) using com.mclegoman.perspective.client.util.Position.register("modId");.
    • When one or more mods have done this, Perspective rendered co-ords will be replaced with "?".
  • Added cps_overlay boolean config option.
    • Defaults to false.
    • When enabled, the cps will be added to the overlays. (using the format Left:Middle:Right)

Hold Perspective

  • Added hold_perspective_back_multiplier double config option.
    • Defaults to 1.0.
    • Set how far away the camera is when using Hold Perspective: Back.
  • Added hold_perspective_front_multiplier double config option.
    • Defaults to 1.0.
    • Set how far away the camera is when using Hold Perspective: Front.


  • Added zoom_smooth_speed_out double config option.
    • Defaults to 1.0.
    • Set how fast the smooth zoom transition is when zooming out.
  • Added zoom_smooth_speed_in double config option.
    • Defaults to 1.0.
    • Set how fast the smooth zoom transition is when zooming in.

Bug Fixes



  • Added ambience boolean experimental config option.
    • When enabled, ambience features made for Perspective 1.4 will be enabled.
    • Defaults to false.
  • Added ripple_density int config option.
    • Requires ambience experimental config option to be set to true.
    • Defaults to 0.
  • Added falling_leaves int config option.
    • Requires ambience experimental config option to be set to true.
    • Defaults to 0.

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

This version of Perspective has a dirty build of Luminance embedded into it, so you don't need to install it.

Perspective 1.3.0-alpha.8 for 1.21.1

This alpha release revamps overlays, adds more ui background customizability, improves textured entity, and adds a new Halloween event!

Important: If you use the Hide Nametags option, this release fixes a bug that would set Hide Players to true alongside Hide Nametags on startup. Reset your config or adjust Hide Players if desired.

You will need to manually install Luminance for this version as it wasn't embedded.
The latest dirty version has been included on this page.


  • Updated Config Version to 21.


  • Added biome_overlay boolean config option.
    • Defaults to false.
    • When enabled, the current biome's name will be added to the overlays.
  • Added time_overlay String config option.
    • Defaults to false.
    • Valid Options: false, twelve_hour, twenty_four_hour.
    • When set to twelve_hour or twenty_four_hour, the current game time will be added to the overlays in the set format.

UI Background

  • Merged UI Background and Title Screen Background.
    • Developer Note: Whilst this does remove the option to only have a dirt screen, this functionality can be re-added through use of third-party mods.
  • Added none UI Background.
    • This will not render anything in menu backgrounds (except for the panorama).
  • Added classic UI Background.
    • This ui background is almost identical to legacy, but also changes the title screen to have a dirt background.
  • Added UIBackground.registerUIBackground(UIBackgroundData data) function.
    • This function was added to allow third-party mods to add UI Backgrounds without having to use mixins.
  • Replaced new UIBackgroundData(...); with new UIBackgroundData.Builder(Identifier identifier).build();.
    • NOTE: This feature is for third-party mod developers.
    • This new builder simplifies the process of making new UI Backgrounds.
    • This builder contains the following functions:
      • .renderWorld(UIBackground.Runnable renderWorld)
        • This optional runnable will be executed when a menu is opened if in a world.
      • .renderMenu(UIBackground.Runnable renderMenu)
        • This optional runnable will be executed when a menu is opened if not in a world.
      • .renderTitleScreen(UIBackground.Runnable renderTitleScreen)
        • This optional runnable will be executed when on the title screen.
      • .renderTitleScreenPanorama(boolean renderPanorama)
        • If set to false, the panorama will not be rendered on the title screen.
        • Defaults to true.
      • .renderPanorama(boolean renderPanorama)
        • If set to false, the panorama will not be rendered on menu screens. (NOTE: This doesn't include the Title Screen.)
        • Defaults to true.
      • .renderShader(boolean renderShader)
        • If set to false, the shaderId shader will not be rendered on menu screens.
        • Defaults to true.
      • .shaderId(Identifier shaderId)
        • This sets the shader that replaces the menu blur shader.
        • Defaults to null.
          • When set to null, the game uses the default blur shader.
      • .renderDarkening(boolean renderDarkening)
        • If set to false, menu darkening is disabled.
        • Defaults to true.
    • Make sure to finish with .build();.
    • Don't forget to add it to the registry: UIBackground.registerUIBackground(new UIBackgroundData.Builder("example").build());
    • You should also name your ui background in the translation files with this key: "gui.perspective.config.ui_background.type.example"


  • Updated perspective:gaussian shader.
    • The shader was not blending correctly before.


  • Added capes to the following entities: minecraft:armor_stand, minecraft:zombie, minecraft:drowned, minecraft:husk, minecraft:zombie_villager, minecraft:skeleton, minecraft:wither_skeleton, minecraft:bogged, minecraft:stray, minecraft:witch, minecraft:villager, minecraft:giant, minecraft:pillager, minecraft:evoker, minecraft:illusioner, minecraft:vindicator, minecraft:wandering_trader, minecraft:cow, minecraft:mooshroom, minecraft:enderman, minecraft:chicken, minecraft:fox.
    • By default, their texture is blank.
    • This can also be set via the textured entity system.
    • This will be rendered separately from elytras.
  • Entities named MCLegoMan, MCLegoBlock, DanielTayden, or DannyTaylor will be flipped upside down.
    • This has been linked to the "contributors" system, so any contributor that is upside down's id will flip mobs.
  • Textured Entity

    • Textured Entities will now get their type from their entity.
    • This means the entity type provided in the dataloader must match that of what the game loads the entity as. (You can check these using the /summon command.)
    • The default texture location has changed to namespace:textures/textured_entity/entity_namespace/entity_type/texture.png
      • Whilst this will break backwards compatibility, this allows us to replace textures in different namespaces.


  • Added Halloween Event.
    • Renders a witch hat on all players if it is Halloween or Force Halloween is enabled.
      • Requires Allow Halloween to be enabled.

Resource Packs

  • Perspective: Default

    • Added Dummy Armor Stand Textured Entity.
    • Added Cloak Pillager, Evoker, Illusioner, Vindicator, and Witch Textured Entities.

Bug Fixes

  • Hide Players config option would be set to true on startup if Hide Nametags was true.
    • If you experienced this bug, make sure to reset your config (or turn Hide Players off) if desired.

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.3.0-alpha.7 for 1.21.1

This update completely changes how shaders are rendered, making use of Luminance's shader rendering. Expect bugs.



  • Shaders are now both registered and rendered in Luminance.
  • Luminance Shader Layout

    • Luminance's shader layout is based on Perspective's layout, with a couple of key differences.
      • shader has been renamed to name.
        • Luminance will also load shader for backwards-compatibility, but it is recommended to use name in your shaders.
      • disable_screen_mode has been renamed to disable_game_rendertype.
        • Luminance will also load disable_screen_mode for backwards-compatibility, but it is recommended to use disable_game_rendertype in your shaders.
      • entity_links has been moved to "custom: {"perspective":{"entity_links": []}}
        • Perspective will also load entity links from the souper_secret_settings namespace.
          • Entity Links will be disabled if Souper Secret Settings is detected so shaders aren't rendered twice.

Textured Entity

  • Updated how textured entities are stored in the registry.
  • Added overrides to the dataloader.
  • Added capes to piglins.
  • Added overlay to bees.

Block Outline

  • Added block_outline config option.
    • Defaults to 40, to match vanilla.
    • Adjusts the block outline alpha level.
  • Added rainbow_block_outline config option.
    • Defaults to false.
    • Shifts the block outline colour through the rainbow over time.

UI Background

  • Updated UI Background to be more customizable through third-party mods.

Dynamic Crosshair

  • Added Dynamic Crosshair dataloader.
    • Located at: perspective:dynamic_crosshair.json.
    • Contains active, and held objects, which both contain a values list.
  • Dynamic Crosshair will now be visible when using a bow/crossbow, and holding a loaded crossbow.
    • You can adjust what items use this functionality using the above-mentioned dataloader.


  • Updated scaled zoom.
    • Whilst zooming when looking around whilst directly up/down, the camera yaw will use a more circular motion rather than an oval motion.
  • Added zoom_enabled config option.
    • Defaults to true.
    • When enabled, zoom features can be used.
  • Added zoom_reset config option.
    • Defaults to false.
    • When enabled, zoom_level will be reset when the player stops zooming.
  • Added zoom_cinematic config option.
    • Defaults to false.
    • When enabled, moving the mouse when zooming will match that of "Cinematic Camera".


  • Added Pride Logo Dataloader.
    • Located at namespace:pride_logos/identifier.json
    • Contains an id string, and logo_texture, and icon_texture stringified-identifiers.

Resource Packs

  • Perspective: Default

    • Added Jester Giant Textured Entity.

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

  • Adds an experimental config option 'disable_zoom'.
    • When enabled, perspective will not be able to use it's zoom features. (This was added to hopefully help compatibility with other zoom mods - for those whom don't like perspective's zoom; Note: 1.3.0 will add more options for zoom, along with some fixes!)

Perspective 1.2.3-release.1 for 1.20.5/6

With 1.21 coming out soon, Perspective 1.3 will now be developed for 1.21. This release of Perspective gives 1.20.5/6 a more stable build.
For the latest 1.3 build for 1.20.5/6 use 1.3.0-alpha.6.


  • Ported 1.2.2.release.1 to 1.20.6.
  • Backported Perspective Config Splash Texts from 1.3.0-alpha.6.
  • Updated Super Secret Settings.
    • Vanilla shaders that aren't used by mobs will now be in Luminance's Super Secret Settings resource pack.

Known Issues

  • Rendering depth shaders will render over the player's hand.
    • This will be fixed in 1.3.
  • Modrinth Filename is just 6.jar
    • This was caused by my build script and I can't rename it without reuploading the verison.

1.3 Development

1.3.0-alpha.7 will change a lot with shader rendering, and will take some time for me to work on. I will release a (VERY UNPOLISHED/UNSTABLE) pre-build before my break on my discord.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.2.2 for 1.20.3/4

This minor update fixes a compatibility issue with Entity Model Features.

Looking for 1.20.5/6?
Try the latest alpha: Perspective 1.3.0-alpha.6!


  • Fixed compatibility issue with Entity Model Features.
    • Please Note: There could still be rendering issues with the eyes of Enderman, Spider, and Phantoms, when using EMF.
    • Non-critical issues relating to Textured Entity, will be fixed in 1.3.0.
  • Textured Entities should now also replace the texture of vanilla mobs that get their texture changed by other mods.
  • Backported Perspective Logo Rendering, Perspective: Default Shaders/Textured Entities, April Fools' Prank, and Contributor changes from 1.3.0.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.3.0-alpha.6 for 1.20.5/6

This update improves depth shaders and adds a day counter overlay.


Config Version 19

  • Added day_overlay boolean option.
    • Default value of false.

Feature Changes

  • Improved Depth Renderer is no longer experimental.
    • This has been made default for Perspective when rendering depth shaders when Iris Shaders aren't enabled.
  • Added Day Overlay.
    • Displays an overlay showing how many in-game days have passed.
  • Added Version Overlay Toggle Keybinding.
    • No default binding set.
  • Added Day Overlay Toggle Keybinding.
    • No default binding set.

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.3.0-alpha.5 for 1.20.5-rc3

This update focuses on shaders, and now includes Luminance!


Technical Changes

  • Perspective now includes Luminance.
    • This library mod was created from Perspective, and allows for Dynamic Shader Uniforms.
      • The Dynamic Shader Uniforms found in 1.3.0-alpha.4 have been moved to Luminance.
    • You will need to manually install Luminance for this version as it wasn't included in the final build!

Config Version 18

  • Updated the default value of super_secret_settings_selection_blur to false.

Feature Changes

Resource Packs

Perspective: Default

  • Updated outlined shader.
    • Now uses all shader framebuffers.
  • Updated Silhouette shader.
    • Moved silhouette to outlined shader, and enables when uniform is set to 1 or 2.
  • Added Darkened Outline shader.
    • This shader renders black outlines, instead of transparent light outlines.
  • Added Inverted Silhouette shader.
    • This shader has a black outline on a white background.
  • Added 8-bit shader.
    • This shader renders with only four shades of green.


  • Improved Shader Renderer
    • Added check for if Iris Shaders are enabled, instead of just installed.
    • Will come out of experimental next update!

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.3.0-alpha.4 for 1.20.5-rc1

I hope everyone enjoyed the chaos that was April Fools', we're back at it with another alpha!

For those of you who tried out my April Fools' mod Mysterious Update, you'll be happy to see that the Mooblooms have made it into Perspective!


Technical Changes

  • Perspective now requires Java 21 or higher.
    • Minecraft Snapshot 24w14a changed the included Java distribution to the Microsoft build of OpenJDK 21.0.2.
      • Perspective is now also built using the Microsoft build of OpenJDK 21.0.2.

Config Version 17

  • zoom_type is now stored as namespace:key string.
    • The default value is set to perspective:logarithmic.
  • Renamed dirt_title_screen to title_screen.
    • Updated to use string instead of boolean.
      • The valid values for this option are: dirt, default.
  • Added ui_background.
    • This sets the background blur to be default, gaussian, or legacy
      • gaussian replaces the blur shader with a nicer looking gaussian blur.
      • legacy removes the blur shader and renders a dirt/darkened background.
        • When in a world, the background is darkened.
        • When not in a world, the background uses the ui_background_texture texture.
  • Added ui_background_texture.
    • This sets the texture of Dirt Title Screen and Legacy UI Background.
    • This config option is stored as a namespace:key string
      • The key doesn't require "textures/" at the beginning or ".png" at the end as they are automatically added, but you can still add them if you want.
      • The default value is set to minecraft:blocks/dirt.

Feature Changes


  • Mooshrooms now have an overlay texture.
    • The texture is located at minecraft:textures/entity/mooshroom/mooshroom_overlay.png.

Textured Entity

  • Added entity_specific to Textured Entity dataloader.
    • This allows for textured entities to have data specific to some entities.
  • Mooshroom textured entities will now require an overlay texture, and a texture for each variant.
    • The overlay texture should be located at minecraft:textures/textured_entity/mooshroom/<name>_overlay.png.
    • The variant texture should be located at minecraft:textures/textured_entity/mooshroom/<variant>_<name>.png.
  • Mooshroom textured entities now can optionally change the mushroom blockstate, and optionally set textured entity enabled for a specific variant(s) of mooshroom.
    • Here's an example:
    "entity": "minecraft:mooshroom",
    "name": "Herobrine",
    "entity_specific": {
      "variants": {
        "red": {
          "enabled": true,
          "mushroom": {
            "identifier": "minecraft:red_candle"
        "brown": {
          "enabled": true,
          "mushroom": {
            "identifier": "minecraft:brown_candle"
    "enabled": true
  • Wolf textured entities will now require textures for each variant.
    • The variant textures should be located at:
      • <variant_namespace>:textures/textured_entity/wolf/<name>_<variant>_tame.png.
      • <variant_namespace>:textures/textured_entity/wolf/<name>_<variant>_angry.png.
      • <variant_namespace>:textures/textured_entity/wolf/<name>_<variant>.png.
  • Wolf textured entities now can optionally set textured entity enabled for a specific variant(s) of wolf.
    • Here's an example:
    "entity": "minecraft:wolf",
    "name": "Herobrine",
    "entity_specific": {
      "variants": {
        "minecraft:ashen": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:black": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:chestnut": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:pale": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:rusty": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:snowy": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:spotted": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:striped": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:woods": {
          "enabled": true
    "enabled": true
  • Frog textured entities will now require textures for each variant.
    • The variant textures should be located at:
      • <variant_namespace>:textures/textured_entity/frog/<name>_<variant>.png.
  • Frog textured entities now can optionally set textured entity enabled for a specific variant(s) of frog.
    • Here's an example:
    "entity": "minecraft:frog",
    "name": "Herobrine",
    "entity_specific": {
      "variants": {
        "minecraft:temperate": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:warm": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:cold": {
          "enabled": true
    "enabled": true
  • Cat textured entities will now require textures for each variant.
    • The variant textures should be located at:
      • <variant_namespace>:textures/textured_entity/cat/<name>_<variant>.png.
  • Cat textured entities now can optionally set textured entity enabled for a specific variant(s) of cat.
    • Here's an example:
    "entity": "minecraft:cat",
    "name": "Herobrine",
    "entity_specific": {
      "variants": {
        "minecraft:tabby": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:black": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:red": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:siamese": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:british_shorthair": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:calico": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:persian": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:ragdoll": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:white": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:jellie": {
          "enabled": true
        "minecraft:all_black": {
          "enabled": true
    "enabled": true
  • Axolotl textured entities will now require textures for each variant.
    • The variant textures should be located at:
      • <variant_namespace>:textures/textured_entity/axolotl/<name>_<variant>.png.
  • Axolotl textured entities now can optionally set textured entity enabled for a specific variant(s) of axolotl.
    • Here's an example:
    "entity": "minecraft:axolotl",
    "name": "Herobrine",
    "entity_specific": {
      "variants": {
        "lucy": {
          "enabled": true
        "wild": {
          "enabled": true
        "gold": {
          "enabled": true
        "cyan": {
          "enabled": true
        "blue": {
          "enabled": true
    "enabled": true
  • Fox textured entities will now require textures for each variant.
    • The variant textures should be located at:
      • <variant_namespace>:textures/textured_entity/fox/<name>_<variant>.png.
  • Fox textured entities now can optionally set textured entity enabled for a specific variant(s) of axolotl.
    • Here's an example:
    "entity": "minecraft:fox",
    "name": "Herobrine",
    "entity_specific": {
      "variants": {
        "red": {
          "enabled": true
        "snow": {
          "enabled": true
    "enabled": true

Super Secret Settings

  • Added Entity Linked Shaders
    • You can set shaders to be linked to entities using the entity_links array in the shader dataloader.
      • This currently requires the Improved Shader Renderer experiment to be enabled.
      • Here's an example:
Perspective Layout:
    "namespace": "perspective",
    "shader": "silhouette",
    "disable_screen_mode": true,
    "translatable": true,
    "disable_soup": false,
    "entity_links": [
    "custom": {},
    "enabled": true
Soup Layout:
      "namespaces": [
              "replace": false,
              "namespace": "perspective",
              "translatable": true,
              "shaders": [
              "disable_screen_mode": [
              "disable_soup": [],
              "custom": {
                  "silhouette": {}
      "entity_links": {
          "entity.minecraft.warden": "perspective:silhouette"

If no namespace is given, the first instance of a shader with that name will be used.


  • Added Dynamic Uniforms.
    • Please Note: These will be moved to a separate library mod (Luminance) in a future update, but will be included with Perspective.
      • lu_viewDistance
        • Float value.
        • Outputs your render distance.
      • lu_eyePosition
        • Vec3 value.
        • Outputs your camera eye position.
        • Defaults to vec3(0, 0, 0).
      • lu_pitch
        • Float value ranging from 0 to 360.
        • Outputs your player pitch.
        • Defaults to 0.
      • lu_yaw
        • Float value ranging from 0 to 360.
        • Outputs your player yaw.
        • Defaults to 0.
      • lu_currentHealth
        • Float value.
        • Outputs your current health.
        • Defaults to 20.
      • lu_maxHealth
        • Float value.
        • Outputs your maximum health.
        • Defaults to 20.
      • lu_currentAir
        • Float value.
        • Outputs your current air.
        • Defaults to 10.
      • lu_maxAir
        • Float value.
        • Outputs your maximum air.
        • Defaults to 10.
    • perspective_zoomMultiplier
      • Float value that ranges from 0.0 to 1.0.
      • Outputs Perspective's zoom multiplier.
  • Added Render Phases.
    • This should match the behaviour of the vanilla fabulous shader.
    • translucent_target
    • item_entity_target
    • particles_target
    • weather_target
    • clouds_target


  • The default values for Hold Perspective Front and Hold Zoom have been updated.
    • These changes were made so these keybindings wouldn't be conflicting by default.
      • Hold Perspective Front will now default to V.
      • Hold Zoom will now default to R.

Resource Packs

Perspective: Default

  • Added depth-based dither shader.
    • A dithering effect will render in the distance using depth.
  • Added light-based dither shader.
    • A dithering effect will render over the lightest parts of the screen.
  • Added Moobloom mooshroom textured entity.
    • Red Mooshrooms turn into regular Mooblooms.
    • Brown Mooshrooms turn into Ancient Mooblooms.

Super Secret Settings

  • Moved shaders that were used in previous versions of minecraft to this resource pack.
    • This resource pack will be moved to Luminance in the near future.


  • Added Improved Shader Renderer experiment.
    • When enabled, Super Secret Settings will be rendered in the world renderer, the same place as fabulous graphics.
      • This also makes the depth shaders be rendered under the player's hand.
    • This experiment also enables Entity Linked shaders.
      • Entity Linked shaders render when the player is spectating the linked entity.
    • If there are no issues found with this experiment, it will be added to 1.3.0.

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.3.0-alpha.3 for 24w03a/b

This update adds support for logarithmic zoom, and scaling when zoomed for mouse movement, view bobbing, and damage tilt scaling.

Please Note: Perspective will remember your config options when updating, so if you want to check out some of these new features, you may need to (re)set these using the config. (You can access this via Mod Menu or in-game using the Open Config keybinding - by default this is set to [END].)


  • Config Version updated to 16.
    • Renamed zoom_camera_mode config option to zoom_scale_mode.
      • Removed spyglass config value.
      • Added scaled config value.
        • This option scales mouse movement, view bobbing, and damage tilt when zooming.
    • Added zoom_type config option with logarithmic and linear config values.
      • The default value is set to logarithmic.
      • To use the previous functionality, set this to linear.
    • Updated zoom_level default value to 40.
    • Updated zoom_scale_mode default value to scaled.
    • Resetting the config to default will now enable shaders if the default is set to true.
  • Updated Zoom.
    • Added logarithmic zoom scaling.
    • Mouse Movement, Damage Tilt, and View Bobbing are scaled when Zoom Mode is set to Scaled.
    • Mouse Scroll Sensitivity is now properly accounted for.
  • Super Secret Settings Config Screen now has a dedicated shader list button.
    • The shader button has been reverted to cycle shaders.
  • Pressing [ESC] on the Config Screen will now go back a page if not on page 1.
  • Souper Secret Settings' shader dataloader layout will now load from any namespace.
    • For example, shaders listed in /assets/your_namespace/shaders.json will now also get registered, not just /assets/souper_secret_settings/shaders.json.
      • This matches the behaviour of Perspective's shader dataloader layout.
    • This update also adds support for "replace".
      • When inside a namespace, all shaders in that namespace currently registered will be removed.
      • When outside the namespacelist, all shaders no matter the namespace will be removed.
  • Added Perspective: Developer Config Resource Pack.
    • This resource pack changes the default config options to MCLegoMan's choices and is disabled by default.
  • Updated Perspective: Default Resource Pack.
    • Added perspective:golden shader.
      • This shader combines minecraft:blobs2 with minecraft:color_convolve making the colours gold.

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.3.0-alpha.2 for 23w51a/b

This alpha fixes some bugs related to Textured Entity, and adds texture support for none horse marking.


  • Updated Config Version to 15.
    • Added test_resource_pack boolean config option.
  • Fixed several bugs relating to Textured Entity.
    • Fixed Shoulder Parrot Textured Entity.
    • Added Stray Textured Entity Overlay.
    • Added Iron Golem Textured Entity Crackiness.
    • Fixed Boat Textured Entity.
  • Added texture for HorseMarking.NONE.
    • For non-textured entity, the texture can be found at: assets/minecraft/textures/entity/horse/horse_markings_none.png.
    • For textured entities, the texture is stored alongside the other textured entity textures: assets/minecraft/textures/textured_entity/horse/<name>_markings_none.png
  • Updated April Fools' Prank.
    • Added mclegoman_suit.
  • Updated Perspective Toast Texture.
  • Updated Perspective: Default Resource Pack.
    • Added perspective:foggy shader.
    • Added Russ Endermite Textured Entity.
    • Added Timmy and Jimmy Enderman Textured Entity.
  • Removed Perspective: Experimental Resource Pack.
  • Added Perspective: Test Resource Pack.
    • This resource pack will only be registered when test_resource_pack config option is enabled.
    • Added test Textured Entities:
      • minecraft:boat
      • minecraft:chest_boat
      • minecraft:horse
      • minecraft:iron_golem
      • minecraft:parrot
      • minecraft:stray

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.3.0-alpha.1 for 23w51a/b

Happy Holidays! This alpha adds textured entity support for the new Armadillo mob, and brings the Super Secret Settings Shader Selection Screen out of experimental.

This version was accidentally marked as release on upload to Modrinth, this has since been fixed.
This is an development build, you may experience bugs/issues.


  • Added Armadillo Textured Entity.
  • Added Super Secret Settings Shader Selection Screen.
    • When you press the shader button on the Super Secret Settings Config Screen, you will open the shader selection screen. (This could change in a future update.)


  • Updated Perspective: Experimental Resource Pack.
    • Updated perspective:foggy shader.

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.2.1 for 1.20.3/4

This minor update fixes some bugs, changes how shaders are saved in the config, and adds the Position Overlay!

Re-released due to a critical bug that only occurred outside the development environment.


  • Updated Config Version to 14.
    • Removed super_secret_settings int config option.
    • Added super_secret_settings_shader string option.
    • Added position_overlay boolean config option.
  • Added Position Overlay.
    • Added Toggle Position Overlay Keybinding.
  • Replaced instances of Math.max(Math.min(value, min), max); to MathHelper.clamp(value, min, max);.
  • Fix Hide Player keybinding and move it to the correct category.
  • Added Horse Markings textured entity support.
    • Horse Textured Entities will now also replace the horse markings.
      • Horse Textured Entity Resource Pack Layout:
        - assets/  
          - minecraft/  
            - textures/  
              - textured_entity/  
                - <name>.png  
                - <name>_markings_white.png  
                - <name>_markings_whitefield.png  
                - <name>_markings_whitedots.png  
                - <name>_markings_blackdots.png  
          - perspective/  
            - textured_entity/  
              - horse_<name>.json  
        - pack.mcmeta
  • Updated Options Screen Super Secret Settings Button.
    • This button will now cycle shaders instead of opening the super secret settings config screen.
    • This button can be enabled by setting super_secret_settings_options_screen to true in .minecraft/config/
  • The current super secret setting will remain the same after reloading resource packs if it is still available.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.2.0 for 1.20.3/4

Licence Update: Perspective is now licensed under LGPL-v3.


  • Added Update Checker.
  • Added Warning, Information, and Tutorial Toasts.
    • Development and Downgrade warning screens have been replaced by warning toasts.
    • When Super Secret Settings have been enabled for the first time, the player will see the following two toasts:
      • Super Secret Settings Tutorial Toast.
      • Photosensitivity Warning Toast.
    • When the April Fools' Prank is first enabled (per year), the player will see a toast explaining how to disable it.
  • Shaders will now only show their namespace when another shader shares the same name.
  • Depth Shaders will now automatically disable screen mode.
    • It is still recommended to set disable_screen_mode to true for depth shaders.
  • Renamed pig_overlay to pig_outer_layer to match vanilla.
    • Any resource packs that use this will need to be updated.
  • Fixed End Crystal Textured Entity.
  • Bee Textured Entity now has nectar, angry, and angry nectar textures.
  • Added Breeze and Wind Charge Textured Entities.
  • Added hide_armor, hide_nametags and hide_players dataloaders.
    • This feature allows players to hide armour/nametags of specific players using resource packs.
  • Removed Ender Dragon Textured Entity.
    • This entity didn't work, even after various attempts to fix it.
      • This may get added back in a later update.
  • Added Hide Block Outline.
    • If this config option is enabled, the outline shown when targeting a block will not be rendered.
  • Added Hide Crosshair.
    • This config option has three values, false, dynamic, and true.
      • false: never hides the crosshair. (vanilla behaviour)
      • dynamic: only hides the crosshair when you are not targeting a block or entity.
      • true: always hides the crosshair.
  • Added Hide Players.
    • If this config option is enabled, all other players will not be rendered.
  • Added Show Death Co-Ordinates.
    • If this config option is enabled, your current co-ordinates will be shown on the death screen.
  • Removed Negative Zoom.
    • If the player was in Creative Flight, or had the speed effect, the camera could sometimes flip upside down.
  • Added minecraft:love shader.
    • This shader was used in the Love and Hugs april fools snapshot, and was not part of the original super secret settings.
  • Added Debug Overlay.
    • This overlay displays debug information about various Perspective features.
    • It also shows the current contents of the config.
  • Updated Perspective: Default Resource Pack.
    • Added sixteen_colors shader.
    • Revamped outlined shader.
    • Added silhouette shader.
    • Added crt shader.
    • Added rainbow shader.
    • Added pixelated shader.
    • Added mirror shader.
    • Added Cheeze Breeze Textured Entity.
    • Added Mossy Skeleton Textured Entity.
    • Added Tee Bee Textured Entity.
    • Added Strawberry Fox Textured Entity.


  • Added Super Secret Settings Shader Selection Screen.
  • Added perspective:foggy shader.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.2.0 for 1.20.2

Licence Update: Perspective is now licensed under LGPL-v3.


  • Added Update Checker.
  • Added Warning, Information, and Tutorial Toasts.
    • Development and Downgrade warning screens have been replaced by warning toasts.
    • When Super Secret Settings have been enabled for the first time, the player will see the following two toasts:
      • Super Secret Settings Tutorial Toast.
      • Photosensitivity Warning Toast.
    • When the April Fools' Prank is first enabled (per year), the player will see a toast explaining how to disable it.
  • Shaders will now only show their namespace when another shader shares the same name.
  • Depth Shaders will now automatically disable screen mode.
    • It is still recommended to set disable_screen_mode to true for depth shaders.
  • Renamed pig_overlay to pig_outer_layer to match vanilla.
    • Any resource packs that use this will need to be updated.
  • Fixed End Crystal Textured Entity.
  • Bee Textured Entity now has nectar, angry, and angry nectar textures.
  • Added hide_armor, hide_nametags and hide_players dataloaders.
    • This feature allows players to hide armour/nametags of specific players using resource packs.
  • Removed Ender Dragon Textured Entity.
    • This entity didn't work, even after various attempts to fix it.
      • This may get added back in a later update.
  • Added Hide Block Outline.
    • If this config option is enabled, the outline shown when targeting a block will not be rendered.
  • Added Hide Crosshair.
    • This config option has three values, false, dynamic, and true.
      • false: never hides the crosshair. (vanilla behaviour)
      • dynamic: only hides the crosshair when you are not targeting a block or entity.
      • true: always hides the crosshair.
  • Added Hide Players.
    • If this config option is enabled, all other players will not be rendered.
  • Added Show Death Co-Ordinates.
    • If this config option is enabled, your current co-ordinates will be shown on the death screen.
  • Removed Negative Zoom.
    • If the player was in Creative Flight, or had the speed effect, the camera could sometimes flip upside down.
  • Added minecraft:love shader.
    • This shader was used in the Love and Hugs april fools snapshot, and was not part of the original super secret settings.
  • Added Debug Overlay.
    • This overlay displays debug information about various Perspective features.
    • It also shows the current contents of the config.
  • Updated Perspective: Default Resource Pack.
    • Added sixteen_colors shader.
    • Revamped outlined shader.
    • Added silhouette shader.
    • Added crt shader.
    • Added rainbow shader.
    • Added pixelated shader.
    • Added mirror shader.
    • Added Mossy Skeleton Textured Entity.
    • Added Tee Bee Textured Entity.
    • Added Strawberry Fox Textured Entity.


  • Added Super Secret Settings Shader Selection Screen.
  • Added perspective:foggy shader.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Perspective 1.2.0 Release Candidate 1

Perspective 1.2.0 will be released some time next week if no bugs are found.

Hosting Update: 1.2.0-release.1 will be the final version to be released on Curseforge.
More information about this change can be found here.


  • Added skipDisableScreenModeWhenWorldNull check to shader cycling/toggling.
    • This doesn't currently affect functionality as keybindings don't get checked when you are not in a world.
  • Added Version.getFriendlyString(boolean full) function.
    • If full is set to false, and the current build is not a development build, the return string will not include "-release.x".

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee.
Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Continuing the bug fixes!

Perspective 1.2.0-beta.2 for 1.20.2.

Hosting Update: 1.2.0-release.1 will be the final version to be released on Curseforge. More information on this change will be posted as we get closer to 1.2.0-release.1.

I am planning to backport to 1.20, 1.20.1 for this release cycle.


  • Updated Config Version to 13.

    • Added config option hide_show_message.
      • This will toggle whether the overlay message is shown when toggling/cycling hide options using keybindings.
    • Added config option debug.
      • This option bypasses the panorama incompatibility list.
    • The config version was updated to 12 in 1.2.0-beta.1.
  • Depth Shaders will now render properly when an entity with glowing is rendered.

    • If you experience any issues relating to this, try cycling your graphics options and report the issue.
  • Updated Take Panorama Screenshot.

    • The name format has been updated to match vanilla screenshots.
    • Perspective Super Secret Settings will now be rendered on the panorama screenshots.
    • Updated Panorama Incompatibility List.
      • Sodium has been fixed and removed from the list.
      • Iris and Canvas Renderer have been added to the incompatibility list.
      • Fabulous Graphics Option has been added to the incompatibility list.
      • Config Option debug will now bypass panorama incompatibilities.
    • Set Perspective to First Person whilst rendering Panorama.
  • Resetting Zoom will now update zoomUpdated instead of directly saving.

    • zoomUpdated will save the config after the player stops zooming.
  • Textured Entity Bees now have all variants of their textures.

    • These assets are stored in the same location as previous versions.
      - assets/
        - minecraft/
          - textures/
            - textured_entity/
              - bee/
                - <name>.png
                - <name>_nectar.png
                - <name>_angry.png
                - <name>_angry_nectar.png
        - perspective/
          - textured_entity/
            - <bee_name>.json

    *<bee_name>.json can be named anything, but it is recommended to follow the <bee_name> formatting in case of name conflicts with other resource packs.*

  • Toggle Zoom has been updated to invert the output of Hold Zoom.

  • Updated Perspective: Default Resource Pack.

    • Added Tee Textured Entity Bee.
    • Updated perspective:silhouette shader to be more visible.


Experiments are potential new features. You may experience bugs and/or issues.

  • Added new experiment:

    • Super Secret Settings Shader Selection Screen.
      • This experiment replaces the functionality of the shader button on the shader screen.
        • Instead of cycling shaders, it will now open a new Shader Selection Screen.
  • Added Perspective: Experimental resource pack.

    • This resource pack will contain experimental resources such as shaders and textured entities that are expected to be in Perspective: Default in the next version.
    • Added perspective:foggy shader.

Let us know your feedback on these experimental features on GitHub or Discord #modding-help\Perspective (Feedback).

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee. Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

It's bug fixing season! This update fixes bugs related to zoom and depth based shaders.

Perspective 1.2.0-beta.1 for 1.20.2.

Hosting Update: 1.2.0-release.1 will be the final version to be released on Curseforge. More information on this change will be posted as we get closer to 1.2.0-release.1.

I am planning to backport to 1.20, 1.20.1 for this release cycle.


  • Removed 'hide' related options for Super Secret Settings.
    • This was removed to help simplify registering shaders.
      • The player still can toggle these using the config screen or their keybindings.
  • Zoom HideHUD will now also hide the player's hands.
  • Zoom Level Scroll Wheel Adjustment has been reverted as it didn't work in spectator mode.
  • Depth Shaders will now automatically disable screen mode.
    • Depth information is only available when the player is in-game. if the player restarted the game with the depth shader enabled on screen mode it would cause the screen to render blank.
      • disable_screen_mode is still recommended to be set for depth shaders in case of use with older versions.
  • Updated Hide Crosshair.
    • This option has been changed to use a sting instead of a boolean.
      • The valid options that can be used are: false, dynamic, and true.
        • true/false use the same behaviour as previous versions.
        • dynamic only shows the crosshair when the player is looking at an entity or block.
  • Added Hide Players config option and dataloader.
    • Config Option: hide_players
      • Hides all players expect for the user.
    • Dataloader: /assets/perspective/hide_players.json
      • Uses the same format as the other hide dataloaders.

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee. Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

It's bug fixing season! This update fixes bugs related to zoom and depth based shaders.

Perspective 1.2.0-beta.1 for 1.20.3.

Hosting Update: 1.2.0-release.1 will be the final version to be released on Curseforge. More information on this change will be posted as we get closer to 1.2.0-release.1.

I am planning to backport to 1.20, 1.20.1, and 1.20.2 for this release cycle.


  • Removed 'hide' related options for Super Secret Settings.
    • This was removed to help simplify registering shaders.
      • The player still can toggle these using the config screen or their keybindings.
  • Zoom HideHUD will now also hide the player's hands.
  • Zoom Level Scroll Wheel Adjustment has been reverted as it didn't work in spectator mode.
  • Depth Shaders will now automatically disable screen mode.
    • Depth information is only available when the player is in-game. if the player restarted the game with the depth shader enabled on screen mode it would cause the screen to render blank.
      • disable_screen_mode is still recommended to be set for depth shaders in case of use with older versions.
  • Updated Hide Crosshair.
    • This option has been changed to use a sting instead of a boolean.
      • The valid options that can be used are: false, dynamic, and true.
        • true/false use the same behaviour as previous versions.
        • dynamic only shows the crosshair when the player is looking at an entity or block.
  • Added Hide Players config option and dataloader.
    • Config Option: hide_players
      • Hides all players expect for the user.
    • Dataloader: /assets/perspective/hide_players.json
      • Uses the same format as the other hide dataloaders.

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee. Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Wait, where did that go?! This update introduces hide armour and hide nametag dataloaders! That means you can now hide armour or nametags of specific players using resource packs! This update also fixes the issue in the previous update where the super secret settings config screen wouldn't render.

We should be moving into beta soon, as this update is now feature-complete. During beta and release candidate, expect bug fixes, if any new features are added, they will be listed under the experimental options.

Perspective 1.2.0-alpha.6 for 1.20.2 and 1.20.3.

Hosting Update: 1.2.0-release.1 will be the final version to be released on Curseforge. More information on this change will be posted as we get closer to 1.2.0-release.1.


  • Fixed Super Secret Settings Config Screen.
    • The show name option wasn't updated in the previous version.
  • Added Hide Armor and Hide Nametags dataloaders.
    • This allows the user to hide nametags or armour of specific users.
    • This can be configured within resource packs at the following files: /assets/perspective/hide_armor.json and /assets/perspective/hide_nametags.json.
      • The list uses the players UUID.
      • Hide Armor/Nametag dataloader layout example.

            "values": [

        This would hide the nametag or armour of MCLegoMan.

Development Build

Please help us improve by submitting bug reports if you encounter any issues.

Want to support my work?

If you'd like to donate, visit BuyMeACoffee. Your support is appreciated, please be aware that donations are non-refundable.

Project members


Lead Developer




Licensed LGPL-3.0-or-later
Published a year ago
Updated 18 days ago