AnimateCraft: Lankeren

AnimateCraft: Lankeren


Make the game more animation-like and immersive, with the an Original Story about Minecraft epic history and your RPG adventure, and beyond.

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  • 修复了沙漠村庄古籍任务无法触发的问题 FIxed the issue that player cannot acknowledge the mission from hidden book in Desert Village
  • 移除意外放入的农夫琐事内测版0.2a Removed accidently remained mod Farmer's Dislikes alpha 0.2
  • 修复幸运猫导致所有模组无法启动的问题 Fixed that Lucky Cat causing all datapacks fail loading
  • 提高开局烂柯斧的耐久度,避免玩家尝试使用特殊技能时意外损坏 Decreased the damage of the Rotten Axe, so that players can have a try without breaking it
  • 优化下界入侵机制 Optimiezed the Nether Invasion Mechanic
  • 添加农夫琐事模组 Added mod Farmer's Dislikes
  • 旅行帐篷 Added mod Eugene's Tents
  • 所有自制模组更新至最新版本 All mods made by me have benn up-to-date
  • 添加喝水也能降温的机制 Now you can cold down by drinking water
  • 添加吃西瓜也可以降温的机制;效果介于水和冰水之间 You can also eat melon to cold down
  • 添加更多甲壳动物模组 Added mod More Crustacean
  • 删除河狸模组 Removerd mod Eager Beaver
  • 改进资深制图师的任务引导 Improved The Guidance of Senior Cartographer
  • 修复金钟罩无法发动的问题;稍微延长金钟罩的buff时长 Fixed that Gloden Bell Shield Can not be used, and slightly lengthen the buff duration
  • 改进镇妖塔生成,避免其与下界堡垒/猪灵堡垒重叠 Improved Suprresion Tower generatiing
  • 修复多人游戏时玩家可能无法正常完成开局流程的问题 Fixed that players may fail having allay guiding in multiplayer game


  • 修复开局马匹生成漏洞 Fixed that players can get more than one horse when strating the game
  • 解决镇妖塔顶破基岩的问题 Fixed that Suppresion Tower breaking the bedrock celling
  • 改进铁轨材质 Improved railways' textures
  • 减少沙漠神殿的贵金属战利品 Reduced the loots in pyramids
  • 添加营火的提示 Added the tip of Campfire
  • 添加合并变质食物的提示 Added tips for spoiling food
  • 添加饱和度的提示 Added tip for saturation
  • 重新添加真实第一人称,默认关闭,按F6开启 Re-added the First Perspctive Model, Unable by default, Press F6 to enable
  • 改进沙漠村庄隐藏古籍的设计,避免触发偷窃事件 Improved the statues in desert village center
  • 精简rpg升级系统 Simplified RPG xp level system
  • 高亮资深制图师以免玩家找不到 Hightlighted the Senior Cartographer till players find it
  • 使凋灵在塔中持续追踪玩家 Made Wither keep focusing players in the Suppression tower
  • 添加流浪商人歌谣事件(感谢@果果果Lcreeper的创意) Added a ballad event for wandering traders
  • 下界传送门(及营地变种)现在与村庄错开生成 Nether portals will not encounter with villages
  • 升级炖煮与烘培模组,使喝水(瓶装/碗装)可以获得1.5分钟降温;冰水可获得4分钟降温;魔力冰汁可获得10分钟降温;在寒冷群系喝热水与喝汤一样,可回复体温 Updated Stewing & Baking mod. Drinking water can now cool down yourself. while drinking hot water warm you up
  • 修改了河狸模组的源码,解决河狸生成过多的问题 FIxed that beavers spawn too frequently
  • 马哨模组更新至1.1.1 Updated Eugene's Whistle & Spur
  • 更新了鸣谢名单和赞助悦灵 Updated the sponsor credit list


  • 修复由于Modrinth版本识别问题导致自动安装错误版本你的马哨模组的问题 Fixed that wrong version of Eugene's Whistle & Spur will be installed mistakely by default
  • 暂时删除河狸模组 Temporarily removed the beaver mod


  • 重新将Tectonic数据包设为默认加载 Re-added Tectonic to default datapacks list
  • 修复生成问题后,重新加入河狸模组 Re-added Beaver mod after fixed the spawning issue


  • 城堡模组更新至2.3.1,改进猪灵营地的生成;修复猪灵游侠和骨髓爵士boss条无法消失的问题 Upadated Camps. Castles. Carriages. to 2.3.1
  • 紧急修复存档开局没有剧情的严重问题 Urgently fixed the issue of not having guidance when starting the game
  • 修复核心材质包默认没有加载的问题 Fixed the issue of Core resourcepack not loaded by default
  • 修复旋风剑手持位置错误的问题 Fixed the issue of wrong holding position of Whildwind Sword
  • 为石中剑底座重新添加青苔 Re-added moss for Sword in the Stone
  • 修复开局无法匹配到白马的问题 Fixed the issue of unable to get white horse when starting the game
  • 修复斧暴的刀光停滞问题 Fixed the issue that Axe Storm particles may stop
  • 删除马匹穿越树丛模组 Removed mod Leaf my horse
  • 添加原创模组《喷气鸡》 Added new original mod Parrotchute

  • 添加原创模组《炖菜与烘培》 Added new mod Stewing & Baking

  • 更新窃贼模组 Updated mod You Thief!

  • 更新强盗模组 Updated mod You Bandit!

  • 更新城堡模组 Updated mod Camps. Castles. Carriages.

  • 更新蓄力跳模组 Updated mod Charge Jump!

  • 更新关刀和骑枪模组 Updated mod Eugene's Guandao & Lance

  • 重制了特殊技能系统,添加了新的特殊武器,包括烂柯斧、旋风剑和音爆胸甲 Remastered the Special Moves mechanics, added new special weapons, including Rotten Axe, Whildwind Sword, nad Sonic Chestplate

  • 添加了新的主线剧情故事节点:资深制图师、给未来人的信和凋灵镇妖塔 Added new story spots, including Save the Cartographer, Letter to the Future Guy, and Wither Suppression Tower

  • 改进了诸多游戏机制,添加大量提示 Improved a lot of game mechanics, added a lot of tips

  • 添加了新的默认光影——光子,并进行深度调配 Added new default shader—Photon, and made a deep adaption.

  • 添加了1.20.5中的狼变种!并制作了独家的材质包适配鲜活动画 Added Wolf Varients from 1.20.5! Also made a compatible resourcepack for it

  • 改进了凋灵模型 Improved Wither's model

  • 改进了一些物品的模型 Improved some items' models

  • 添加bugjump模组 Added mod bugjump

  • 添加chunky模组 Added mod chunky

  • 添加model fix模组 Added mod model fix

  • 添加modern fix模组 Added mod modern fix

  • 添加simple voice chat模组 Added mod simple voice chat

  • 添加流体虚空渲染模组

  • 添加河狸模组 Added mod Eager Beaver

  • 添加骆驼冲撞模组 Added mod Ramel

  • 添加双峰骆驼模组

  • 删除lunade fast entity animation模组 Removed mod lunade fast entity animation

  • 删除horse state vanilla模组,修复服务端闪退问题 Removed mod horse state vanilla

  • 修复传送门营地的地表凹陷 Fixed the issue of pillagers' camps near portals sinking

  • 修复掠夺者瞭望塔箱子为空的问题 Fixed the issue of empty chests in pillager watchtower

  • 提高瞭望塔生成几率 Risen the chance of pillager watchtower generating

  • 更新鸣谢名单 Updated the Sponsors Credit List!

  • 由于冲突,移除了额外槽位模组 Removed Slot mod due to incompatibility.
  • 移除了白日入睡机制,现在不会再出现睡醒不清空疲劳值的问题 Removed Day Dream, Mo' Sleep, and Realisitc Sleep mod. Now the tiredness will be set to 0 correctly after sleep.
  • 添加睡袋模组,现在可以使用睡袋来睡眠而不重置重生点;使用吊床以跳过白天 Added Comforts mod, you can use hammock to sleep during day time.
  • 取消攻速随等级提升的机制,以平衡关刀的威力 Canceled the RPG attacking speed mechanic, now you cannot wield it quickly.
  • 关闭了点击物品的音效,应该能够避免一键整理背包时导致的因播放大量音效而导致的崩溃 Canceled the sound when clicking items. Should avoid the issue that sorting items with InventoryNext will play a lot of sounds and thus crush the game.
  • 改进甜牛奶材质 Improved the texture of Sweet Milk.
  • 添加金土豆,能够将饱和度恢复到和饱食度持平状态 Added Golden Potato, which can increase your saturation to equal your hunger value.
  • 添加金光浆果,能够让食用者高亮四分钟 Added Glistering Berries,which can outline you for 4 mins.
  • 统一骑枪配方 Unified the recipes of Lances.
  • 修改了下界合金骑枪和下界合金关刀的制作方法 Changed the methods to make Netherite Lance/Guan Dao.
  • 修改魔力冰汁配方 Changed the recipe of Ice Juice.
  • 僵尸马和骷髅马不再在阳光下燃烧 Zombie horses and skeleton horses will not burn in the sunlight anymore.
  • 更换了“坐”模组,现在低头看向地面时迅速双击shift即可在任何地方坐下 Picked another Sit mod,now look down and press Shift twice quickly, you can sit down ANYWHERE.
  • 马哨升级 Update Horse Whistle.
  • 更新鸣谢名单 Updated donator list.
  • 修复升级后无法增加最大生命值的问题 Fixed the issue that max health cannot increase after leveling up
  • 更新键位提示 Updated Keybinds tips

  • 现在开局必须点击查看键位,悦灵才会继续说话 Now players have to click the white words to keep Allay talking!

  • 由于f4太容易被某些不熟悉MC的玩家误触,现将电影视角按键改为f7 So many players unfamiliar with Minecraft could press F4 by mistake, I have to changed the "cinematic" button to F7

  • 由于某些玩家会利用创造模式攻击指引者悦灵,我将开场动画设置成无法由创造模式开局的玩家触发... Some players who choose Creative mod will kill Allay the guider, so I have to make it so players who choose Creative mode cannot have starter guide...

  • 将特殊技能改为模组 Special Move system is now a mod

  • 马哨改为模组 添加马刺机制 Thank Kltyton, the horse whistle system is now an independent mod

  • 由于以上二者改为模组,不再需要隐藏生存模式的指令反馈 Canceled the ReduceDebugMessage cuz Special Move and Horse Whistle are now mods.

  • 降低下界传送门刷怪频率 Reduced the chance of Invaders spawning from Portals.

  • 降低下界入侵生物生成的频率 Reduced the chance of Incvaders spawning around the world.

  • 优化rpg升级数据包,现在各项属性的升级更新会变慢,这使得CPU负担大大减轻,特别是在多人游戏中 Optimized RPG Level Up data pack, now players' atrributes will not update so frequently, but it brings better performance.

  • 添加Sit模组 Added Sit mod.

  • 添加额外物品槽位模组,每升3级可以获得一个额外槽,按N可以打开 Added a Extra Slot mod, every 3 levels up will give you 1 extra slot, press N to open it.

  • fast move暂时替换为combat roll 跑酷模组临时替换成战斗翻滚模组

  • 添加物品“甜牛奶”,用奶桶、空瓶子和糖合成,可助眠 Added a new item "Sweet Milk" which can help you sleep. Craft it with a milk bucket, a empty bottle,and sugar.

  • 修改体温计颜色 Changed some color of the thermometer.

  • 根据群系提供温度提示 When player first arrive certain extreme hot/cold biomes, there will be tittles to inform players how to protect themselves from the cliamtes.

  • 修复了寒冷群系不会哈气的问题 Fixed the issue that player won't breath puffing from mouth.

  • 变质食物现可通过工作台堆叠 Spoiling food can now be stacked together using crafting table.

  • 现在从过冷/过热恢复过来一段时间后,可以重新增加饱和度。 Now saturation can be recovered after player get back to a proper temperature.

  • 修改平原的天空颜色 Edited the sky color of plains.

  • 稍微降低光影饱和度 Slightly reduced the color saturation of Complementary Shader.

  • 删除boss条模组 Deleted Mob Boss Bar mod.

  • 凋灵现在能打破基岩、板岩和强化深板岩 Now Withers can break bedrocks.

  • 凋灵被困住时会向上方冲刺 Now Withers will charge upwards

  • 添加 基岩版凋灵 模组 Added Bedrock Style Wither mod

  • 添加true ending模组 增强末影龙boss战 Added True Ending mod to brings epic boss fight of Ender Dragon back.

  • 优化了龙袭数据包 兼容true ending Updated Dragon Raid mechanic, made it compatible with True Ending.

  • 修复了多人游戏可能导致多重龙袭事件的问题 Fixed the issue of multi dragon raid in mutliplayer games.

  • 为龙袭添加剧情提示 Added a tittle to tell players to run when Dragon Raid happens...

  • 更新鸣谢名单 Updated Sponsor lists

已知无法解决的问题:服务端可能无法正常使用古式地图 Known Unsolvable Issue: Ancient Map could has bug in Server.

  • 修复按H键无法召唤马匹的问题 Fixed the issue that pressing H could not tp he horse

由于特殊技能系统目前需要较高配置,如遇到无法下马/单人掉线/多人联机崩溃问题,请下载安装轻量版(Lite) Currently the Special Moves system requires high performance gear. If you find yourself unable to dismount/lost connection in single player game/frequently fall from multiplayer game, please choose this lite version.

  • 移除了特殊技能系统 Removed Special Moves system
  • 替换了玩家动画 Replaced Player Animations
  • 暂时将悦灵指引方向从沙漠村庄图书馆改为任一村民 temporarily changed Ally's guidance from the desert library to simply a villager
  • 添加了一个主线剧情节点《末地解放者》 Aadded a new story node named End Liberator
  • 触发主线剧情节点时给予经验奖励 Added reward for players who unlock the nodes
  • 取消苦力怕的硬核AI Cancel the hard core AI of Creepers
  • 补齐了所有汉化(感谢@可爱滴小星野!) Added complete Chinese translation
  • 优化特殊技能指令Improved Special Moves system for better performance
  • 现在冻伤和中暑不会扣饱食度了 Now being too cold or too hot will not lose saturation
  • 修复多人游戏可能无法触发龙袭的问题 FIxed the issue that dragon raid may not happen in multiplayer games
  • 添加了default options模组 Added Default Options mod
  • 添加disable custome world advice模组 Added Disable Custom World Advice mod
  • 更新鸣谢名单和赞助悦灵Updated credit list and sponsor allies
  • 改进了龙袭 Improved Dragon Raid gamemechanic
  • 取消了末影龙boss站的克隆机制 Deleted the clone mechanic of enderdragon boss fight
  • 传送门生成的下界生物更随机化 Randomized the spawning nether invaders near portals
  • 提高了猪灵在主世界扎营的几率 Increased chance of piglin setting down in the Overworld
  • 现在生物死亡时会同时释放烟雾和灵魂粒子,感谢@白调海克特! Now mobs will release both clouds and souls particles
  • 调高了掠夺者瞭望塔的生成几率 Increased the generating chance of the watch tower of pillagers
  • 窃贼模组更新至1.3 Updated You Thief! to 1.3
  • 现在只有玩家杀死下界生物时才会掉落战利品 Now invading mobs will only drop loots when killed by players
  • 添加了中国功夫:金钟罩。在功夫殿藻井中取得秘笈后可习得,按G使用,每次消耗经验值,获得持续一段时间的完全抗性。 Added a new Chinese Kung-Fu, Golden Bell Shield(JIn Zhong Zhao).Go to Kung-Fu Palace,get the secret script from the caisson ceiling, and learn the Kung-Fu from it.Once learnt it, you can press G to use it, it will cost you some xp, and get you full resistence for a short term.
  • 大幅改进温度机制,以达到最佳平衡。现在在平原的夜里也不需要穿着皮草;白天在雪地里只需要穿着全套皮草即可御寒,下雪或夜晚则需要靠近火把和营火;冻伤或过热导致的伤害大大减轻 Kindly improved the temperature system, now you donn't need to put on leathers in the night of plains, you only need to put on them when in cold biomes, and when snowing or in the night you will only need to stay close to the fire. Damage from being too hot or too cold is now greatly decreased.
  • 添加了在寒冷群系时的哈气粒子和在炎热群系时的出汗粒子 Made some new particles, now your breath will rise in a white mist when in cold biomes,and you will sweat when in hot biomes.
  • 《营地,城堡,马车》更新至2.2 Updated Camps. Castles. Carriages. to 2.2
  • 增删了一些模组 Added and deleted some mods
  • 开局抗火药水换成冰水 Now strters will get ice water instead of fire resistence potion
  • 凋灵现在能破坏一切方块 Wither now destroy every block
  • 在下界基岩层以上的玩家会受到持续的虚空伤害 Players above the bedrock level of the Nether will now suffer from void damage.
  • 取消鞘翅的合成配方 Elytra cannot be crafted anymore
  • 调整了传送门生成恶魂的机制 modified ghasts' spawning from the portals
  • 调整马匹生成的位置 Modifiedd the posistion of starter horse's spawn
  • 降低功夫殿生成的几率 Now the Kung-fu Palace will generated in a lower chance
  • 更换了加载背景 Changed the background menu screen
  • 加入蓄力跳模组,潜行2秒左右可以获得短暂的跳跃提升和饥饿效果。可通过快捷键(默认x)关闭 Added Charge Jump mod, allow you to jump higher after sneaking for abut 2 sceonds. Press x by default to toggle.
  • 优化核心数据包的彩蛋部分 Improved datapack's performance.
  • 修复信标重启后世界无法大和的问题 Fixed the issue that the world cannot get in peace after reactivating the beacon.
  • 加入冰水,用浮冰的掉落物“冰渣”和玻璃瓶合成,饮用可以获得两分钟的降温效果 Added Ice Water, which give you cooldown effect for 2 minutes. break packed ice will drop the crushed ice, and put it in the glass bottle to craft.
  • 食物腐烂的时间延长至2天 Time for food to spoil now extended to 2 days
  • 博物学家模组里的食物现在也可以腐烂了 Food from Naturalist mod can now be spoiled
  • 删除更多台阶模组 Deleted More Stairs and Slabs mod
  • 把地图册模组换成古式地图模组 Changed Atlas mod to Antique Map mod
  • 添加了新的加载屏幕提示 Added new loading screen tips
  • 优化了核心数据包性能 Improved core data pack for better performance
  • 《营地,城堡,马车》更新至2.1.1 Updated Camps. Castles. Carriages. to v2.1.1
  • 添加新物品“冰渣”,用于合成浮冰 Added a new item "crushed ice", which can be used to craft packed ice
  • 改进背包的汉化 Improved the Chinese translation of mod Inmis
  • 改进温度模组的汉化 Improved the Chinese translation of mod Thermite.
  • 更新了闪烁文本和加载屏幕小提示 Updated splash texts and loading screen tips
  • 降低苦力怕炸毁房屋的几率 Lowered the chance of creeper blowing up your house
  • 减少入侵恶魂生成数量 Reduced the amount of invading ghast
  • 修复乘骑马匹的生物无法移动的问题 Fixed the issue that mobs riding horse-type will not move
  • 增删了一些模组 Added & deleted some mods and data packs
  • 杂项不一一列出 Other discs will not be listed
  • 从0.5.0开始,《动画世界:烂柯人》正式进入公测阶段。在该版本中,主线故事大体已布局完毕,游戏平衡和性能表现达到了一个新的水平。 Since V0.5.0, AnimateCraft: Lankeren has come to the Beta period. The Whole Story has been told, Game mechanics and performance hava been in a higher level.

  • 重建了核心数据包,修复了很多玩家从未发现的问题。 Rebuilt the core data pack, fixed many bugs that players didn't even noticed.

  • 移除了一些存在感不强的内容,包括村庄速建、溺尸王和故障/失落的傀儡,以将客户端的性能留给更容易让玩家察觉的内容上。 Removed some contents which aren't so important, like Instant Village Building, Blue Demon, and Lost Golems, for the best performance.

  • 加入强盗2.0 Added You Bandit! 2.0

  • 窃贼机制更新至1.2 Updated You Thief! to v1.2

  • 烂柯人匕首更新至1.1.2,现在可以将木匕首用作燃料了 Updated Lankeren Daggers to v1.1.2, now wooden dagger can be used as fuel

  • 替换tips模组 Replaced tips mod

  • 龙袭更新至4.1,现在白天也会遭遇龙袭,且可能性稍微变大了 Updated Dragon Raid to v4, now you could meet dragon in daytime, with higher chance.

  • 添加true ending Added True Ending

  • 将营火的掉落物改为一个火把 Modified campfire's drop to a torch

  • 改进疲劳值,现在第一天晚上即可入睡 Modified the tiredness system, now you can sleep in the first night

  • 入夜后持续给予不睡觉的玩家少量经验 Now you will gain xp if you stay awake at night

  • 下界生物生成频率增快 Now the nether invader will spawn more requently

  • 关闭开局马匹锁血 Now your horse friend will get hurted

  • 现在第一次靠近下界传送门会弹出增加沉浸感的标题 Now you will see a tittle the first time you meet a portal

  • 添加了村民的求助话语,完成主线前时不时会收到村民的求助 Added a sentence said by villagers, you will hear it from time to time until you stop the nether invasion

  • 现在讲述《烂柯人》整合包世界观的史诗《世界的原委》将会在游戏结束后滚动显示 Now The Whole Story will be shown when you killed the dragon and jump in the end portal

  • 在末地放置了一些文献 Placed some historical materials in the End

  • 在开局时于玩家周围生成屏障方块以防止跳跃 Added barriers around the player when starting the game, in case some genius like to jump away the allay :-)

  • 做了一个新物品“无法辨认的腐烂食物”,材质灵感来自《饥荒》 Added a new item "Rotten Unidentified Food", whichs texture was inspired by Don’t Starve

  • 现在食物会腐烂成“无法辨认的腐烂食物”。箱子和木桶可以保存食物,减缓其腐烂的过程;木桶能够比箱子保鲜更长时间 Now food will spoil and turn into rotten unidentified food. Chests and barrels can now be used to retain food. Barrels can retain food longer than chests do.

  • 为食物腐烂模组添加了汉化 Added Chinese translation for Spoiled

  • 沙漠村庄和热带草原村庄箱子里现在有抗火药水,可用于抵抗酷暑 Now you can find fire resistance potions in the chest of desert and savanna villages

  • 现在开局会获得抗火药水以帮助支撑到走出热带 Now Starter will get a fire resistance potion

  • 修改了悦灵开局的指引 Modified the allay's guidance

  • 在沙漠村庄图书馆中可以找到主线剧情线索——神殿之书 Now you need to find the clue to save the Overworld in the library--The Book of The Pyramid

  • 杂项不一一列出 Other miscs will not be listed


  • Master_GoldenPig
  • Limit小火柴
  • T-T2
  • N4Argentum
  • Fufu超爱大米

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published a year ago
Updated 5 months ago